What To Do When Pitching Online (via Zoom)

What To Do When Pitching Online (via Zoom)

Pitching a project online, via a platform like Zoom, has become increasingly common in today's business world.

Pitching a project online, via a platform like Zoom, has become increasingly common in today's business world. While the format may be different, the principles of a successful pitch remain the same. In order to be effective when pitching your project online, there are several key considerations to keep in mind.

A zoom meeting on a laptop, image
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

First and foremost, it's important to prepare your virtual space just as you would if the pitch was in person. This includes checking your internet connection and making sure your camera and microphone are working properly. It's also essential to have a professional-looking background that aligns with the company's branding, for instance, clean and uncluttered background. Dress professionally and avoid any distractions.

Next, you'll want to make sure your pitch deck is well-designed and optimized for online viewing. This includes using a consistent color scheme, font choices, and the use of images and graphics to break up large blocks of text. As opposed to an in-person pitch, visual aids in the form of videos, animations or interactive elements can help to keep the audience engaged and help them better understand your project. Keep in mind the resolution of the images, videos and to make sure that all the links are working.

It's also important to keep in mind the attention span of online audiences, which is often shorter than in-person audiences. Make sure your pitch is concise and to-the-point, avoiding unnecessary information. Use the virtual tools provided by the video conferencing platform, such as screen sharing, to engage the audience and make the most of the virtual format.

When it comes to delivery, practice is key as always. Rehearse your pitch and practice how to navigate through the deck to be more confident and less prone to errors, so you can focus on delivering your pitch. Pay attention to your delivery and body language, such as making eye contact with the camera, maintaining an appropriate pace, and using a confident and enthusiastic tone.

Finally, be prepared to answer questions and engage in a discussion. The virtual format allows you to share documents or images easily, be sure to use them to provide additional information or answers to any questions that might arise.

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Corbin is a filmmaker and photographer committed to positively influencing those around him.