The Power of a Great Pitch

The Power of a Great Pitch

A pitch deck can be a make-or-break tool in the fundraising process.

If you're a filmmaker, you know that pitching your project is essential to getting it off the ground. And while a great pitch can make all the difference, nailing that pitch isn't always easy. That's where a pitch deck comes in. A pitch deck is a presentation that helps you communicate your film's key concepts and selling points, and when done well, it can be a make-or-break tool in the fundraising process.

film crew on set and prepping for their next shot, image
Photo by Chris Murray on Unsplash

What Is A Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is a short (usually 10-12 slides), visual presentation that tells the story of your film and outlines why someone should invest in it. Think of it as your elevator pitch on steroids. In addition to communicating your film's key concepts, a pitch deck should also include information about your team, your anticipated budget, and your distribution plans.

Why Should I Use A Pitch Deck?

A well-crafted pitch deck can be an indispensable tool in the fundraising process, helping you secure the financing you need to bring your film to life. Not only does a pitch deck give you a concise way to communicate your project's key concepts and selling points, but it also helps build trust with potential investors by conveying that you have a clear vision for your film and a solid plan for bringing it to fruition.

How Do I Create A Pitch Deck?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the contents of your pitch deck will vary depending on the project you're pitching and the audience you're pitching to. However, there are some core elements that should be included in every pitch deck, including:

  • An overview of your project
  • Your team
  • Your anticipated budget
  • Your distribution plans
  • A few key stills or concept art images

When crafting your pitch deck, remember to keep it short, sweet, and visually engaging. After all, you want investors to walk away from your presentation wanting more—not feeling like they've just been bombarded with a bunch of dry data points.


As a filmmaker, you know that pitching your project is essential to getting it off the ground. And while a great pitch can make all the difference, nailing that pitch isn't always easy. That's where a pitch deck comes in. A pitch deck is a short (usually 10-12 slides), visual presentation that tells the story of your film and outlines why someone should invest in it. Think of it as your elevator pitch on steroids. In addition to communicating your film's key concepts, a pitch deck should also include information about your team, your anticipated budget, and your distribution plans.

Creating a great pitch deck isn't always easy, but fortunately there are some core elements that should be included in every one. These include an overview of your project, information about your team, your anticipated budget, and your distribution plans. Remember to keep it short, sweet, and visually engaging so that investors walk away from your presentation wanting more.

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Corbin is a filmmaker and photographer committed to positively influencing those around him.