What's in a Development Package?

What's in a Development Package?

A film development package is an important tool for filmmakers seeking to secure funding for their projects.

A film development package is an important tool for filmmakers seeking to secure funding for their projects. It provides a detailed overview of the film, including the plot, characters, themes, and production plan. It also includes important information on the film's budget and marketing and distribution strategy.

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Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

A standard film development package typically includes the following elements:

  1. Treatment: This is a detailed summary of the film, including the plot, characters, and themes. It should be approximately 10-20 pages long.
  2. Synopsis: This is a shorter, more concise summary of the film, typically one to two pages in length.
  3. Script: This is the full screenplay for the film, including dialogue and descriptions of characters and action.
  4. Characters: This section should provide detailed descriptions of the main characters in the film, including their motivations, goals, and personality traits.
  5. Production schedule: This should include a detailed breakdown of the various stages of production, including pre-production, principal photography, and post-production.
  6. Budget: This should include a detailed breakdown of the film's budget, including projected costs for each stage of production.
  7. Marketing and distribution plan: This should outline the plan for promoting and releasing the film, including details on advertising, publicity, and distribution channels.
  8. Resumes and credits: This should include the resumes and credits of the key members of the creative and production team.

A well-written film development package can help filmmakers effectively communicate the vision for their project and the potential for success. It can also help investors understand the scope and scale of the film, as well as the potential return on their investment.

In addition to being used to secure funding, a film development package can also be used to attract talent, such as actors and crew members, and to secure distribution deals with studios or streaming platforms.

Overall, a film development package is an essential part of the film development and funding process, and it should be given careful consideration and attention to ensure that it effectively communicates the potential of the film project.

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Corbin is a filmmaker and photographer committed to positively influencing those around him.