Additional Services

Premium Coverage

Our script consultant service offers an in-depth screenplay analysis with helpful script notes highlighting examples of concerns and suggestions.


For a scriptwriter the most valuable input you can get are script notes! Our team of professional award winning writers can help you take your script to the next level. Whether there is something specific you are struggling with or you just want to know how to make your script the best it can be, our team is here to help.

We will provide you with in-depth, detailed notes that not only highlight what is working, but will also help you to understand what is not and why. We can help with formatting, spelling/grammar, structure, pacing, dialogue, character development, and anything else in your script that you feel needs improvement. This works well with our script coverage service as you can not only see what needs improvement, but also why and paths to fixing it.

This is your project so we will never tell you how you should change something, instead we offer constructive notes that ask you questions that help you decide what is the best way to strengthen your work. We are your writing team so let us help you make your script the best it can be! Contact us at Pitch My Project to learn more about how our script/screenplay consultant services can benefit your next project.

Check out our Coverage Services: